Start here.

Turn your FFB 401k on to start working for you.

  • Once your identity has been verified you will be granted access to your account. Click here to register for access.

  • Your contribution or deferral rate is the portion you choose to put into your retirement. It will automatically go from your paycheck directly into your retirement account.

    To start contributing, use the following steps:

    1. Sign into Workday (the link can be found on FirstConnect)

    2. Once logged in navigate to “Menu”, then to “Compensation and Benefits Dashboard”

    3. Click on Benefits “Change Benefits”

    4. Next click on “401k Change” next to Change Reason

    5. Then enter a date as of today and submit

    6. Open the Change benefits elections, select “Let’s Get Started” and make your 401k changes

    7. Make sure that you check the “I Accept” box in the electronic signature and submit your 401k change

    Contact your local HR Representative if further instructions are needed.

  • Choosing a mix of investments is easier than you may think. You can read about the investments or speak with an investment advisor.

    Here is how to select your investments in your account (via desktop):

    1. Log in to your 401k account

    2. Hover your mouse over MANAGE and click “Investment Elections”

    3. Now hover over the “Investment Elections” icon and click “TAKE ME THERE”

    4. The next screen will show two columns: "Current Election" and "New Election"

    5. Choose your investments by entering a percentage for each one in the "New Election" column next to the investment you want. Make sure the total of your selections adds up to 100%.

    6. Check the totals in the "New Mix" box and click Submit.

    You’re all set! Feel free to change and update your investment elections at any time.

  • Last, but certainly not least, designate your beneficiary(ies). Don’t leave it up to the government to decide! Here are the steps:

    1. Log into your 401k account, click My Profile in the top right corner, then click “Beneficiaries”

    2. Select "Add Beneficiary" and then enter the required information. Click "Continue" when finished.

    3. You will be taken to a screen to review your changes. If you need to add more beneficiaries, click on "Add Beneficiary" and repeat steps 1-3 until all desired beneficiaries have been added.

    4. When you are done adding beneficiaries, click "Apply Changes" on the review screen.

    That’s it! Feel free to make changes to your beneficiaries online at any time.

    If you are married: You are required by law to have your spouse as 100% Primary Beneficiary unless you get their consent. If you choose to have your spouse as less than 100% Primary Beneficiary, complete the Designation of Beneficiary form which includes obtaining your spouse’s signature in the presence of a notary. Download the Spousal Consent form under Client Resources>Forms.