The 401k is only talked about in one way.
Long intended to be a retirement supplement and touted as a glorious company benefit, the 401k is a dragon being treated as a house dog. What the government actually created was an investment vehicle fitted with a barrage of policy features to boost and protect your wealth growth efforts. We can guide you so that your company 401k works hard for you and your people.
Perhaps you have ambitions to see your money grow to have a safety net, or simply to build an inheritance for your children, or perhaps your goals have nothing to do with wealth and are instead squarely set on the monetary resources needed to build a dream company, home, life.
Or perhaps your goal is to retire in the traditional sense. Any goal or desire in full consideration can be made possible with the right resources. The 401k has a multitude of methods to employ to calibrate it to your personal and company goals.
The benefit of opting for the 401k over the IRA is that you can deposit three times more in a 401k than you can in an IRA. Harness the tax savings and the inflamed power of compound interest for you (and your partners or employees)
What. How. Where.
You shouldn’t feel like you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps to wade through the overcrowded, murky waters of the information dump on “things to consider.”
Choosing your 401k program should be simple. We invite you to tell us about your company and the exciting things ahead, tell us about your people, tell us why you are looking into getting a 401k.
Let our experts sift through the various options to showcase to you the top fits. You make the final call or leave it to us and we will select the plan we would choose for our sister.
Onboarding your company is a breeze. 100% digital and supported by experts poised and available. Between our processes and our experts you will be prompted to each next step with a guiding hand with a full support team for your employees.